Dual Dash Cam Market to See Strong Expansion Through 2027

Dual Dash Cam Market to See Strong Expansion Through 2027

  • Posted by Hayden Chen  

Over the past decade, vehicle safety technology has improved by leaps and bounds. In spite of this, car insurance premiums continue to soar. Distracted driving is one of the most common culprits continuing to drive crash rates and correspondingly high premiums. Consequently, more drivers are using dash cams to accurately show the truth in the event of collisions.

What is a dual dash cam?

Most dash cams point forward to the roadway and only record what happens directly ahead. Some dash cams have the ability to turn the camera so that it faces the driver, but they do not point in both directions simultaneously. Dual dash cams resolved this limitation by providing two cameras pointing in opposite directions. This provides better coverage of the full exterior and interior of the vehicle.

VAVA Dual Dash Cam

How much has the market for dual dash cams grown?

In 2019, the dash cam market was worth $1.75 billion dollars. By 2027, economists believe the industry will reach $2.74 billion. Dual dash cams reportedly hold the largest share of the market and have experienced the fastest pace of growth. The growing popularity of dash cams also corresponds with higher adoption rates for smart cameras and personal monitoring.

Increased Road Travel

Recreational vehicle sales skyrocketed in 2020 as American families looked for alternate safer ways to travel as COVID 19 took over. As people rack up more road miles, accidents become more likely. Having dash cams can help protect drivers, their families and their investments in RVs.

Insurance Claims

Unfortunately, no major insurance company in America offers discounts for installing dash cams. Even so, dash cams provide excellent proof of what occurred and when. Dual dash cams can prove a driver was not distracted by food, texting or drowsiness. Considering how high insurance premiums can climb after an accident, dash cams are well worth the investment.

Commercial Driving

Whether they transport Uber passengers or move packages across the country, commercial drivers are relying on dual dash cams. Independent contractors might prefer to use them for insurance purposes. Employers use them to monitor workers to ensure they are not driving drowsy or distracted.


Wouldn’t you like to know who broke into your car and stole your radio or wallet? With a motion-activated dual dash cam, you can. Even if the thief makes off with the dash cam, wireless capabilities might ensure the camera transmitted that information to you before parting ways. This could even help you find it — and the thief.

Social Causes

The use of excessive force by police officers has come under intense scrutiny over the past few years. For some time, civilians relied on smartphones to capture footage of interactions with officers. However, several jurisdictions have limited this ability and it can appear more confrontational. To get around this, people are now using front-facing cameras.

Social Media

People regularly record videos in their cars for social media. This is easiest and safest to do with a dual dash cam because one already faces inside the car. This can play an instrumental role in the storytelling process for YouTubers and other vloggers.

Will the market continue to grow?

Increased personal surveillance is becoming the norm for people around the world. People monitor their pets from home, watch the front door of their homes on vacation and record newsworthy events. Dual dash cams are compatible with that ecosystem and will only continue to grow in popularity for 2027 and beyond.

Dash cams will become even more popular when insurance companies begin offering discounts for them. It will only take one major carrier to promise discounts and all the others will follow. Insurance companies already provide discounts for driving monitoring systems installed on phones, plugged into the vehicle or stuck to windshields via adhesives. It’s only a matter of time before cameras are next.

VAVA Dual Dash Cams

VAVA is a producer of WiFi-enabled dash cams and dual dash cams that provide loop recording, night vision and easy installation options. We use high-quality components in our cameras and provide a high external memory capacity of 128 GB.

Why leave your vehicle and driving record at risk for a second longer? Grab yours today!

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