As a new parent, a baby monitor is one of the most important pieces of home electronics you can own. First developed in the 1930s, it wasn't until the late 1980s and 1990s that baby monitors became practical and affordable for most parents to own. The technology behind the devices has advanced remarkably, and today baby monitors not only grant parents peace of mind, but they also have a wide range of uses even for people whose children are older or who don't have children at all.
Reasons to Buy a Baby Monitor
One of the primary reasons to own a baby monitor is to see inside your baby’s room without turning on the light which could cause a disruption in sleep. It can also be super helpful to monitor health issues, allowing a parent to hear or see if attention is needed.
When a parent first brings a baby home, many parents are anxious that they won't hear the infant crying. This anxiety can disrupt sleep. A baby monitor allows you to relax and sleep knowing that if the baby does cry, the sound will wake you up so that you can attend to his or her needs.

Safety & Sleep
The primary importance of baby monitors may be safety, especially when your child gets a little bit older. Children in cribs may try to stand up or even climb out of them, potentially injuring themselves in the process. If your child gets hurt, a monitor lets you know immediately so you can go to your child's aid. A video monitor may also allow you to perceive the danger and stop the accident before it happens.
A video baby monitor offers additional advantages. It can help you track whether your child is getting enough sleep or tell you whether your baby is lying down or standing up, helping you to encourage self-soothing in the former case. If someone else watches over your baby when you are not home, you can monitor the level of care he or she is receiving by using the monitor as a nanny cam.
Video baby monitors have two-way communication capabilities. This allows you to soothe your baby as though you were in the same room even when you are busy doing something else, whether in another part of the house or away from home.

Monitor Pets & Home Security Too!
The same capabilities that make the devices useful for monitoring a baby's behavior can also help you keep tabs on your pets and make sure they are safe and behaving properly. This can be especially helpful if, for example, your dog is still in training or recovering from surgery. You can monitor the situation while you are at work, and if trouble arises, you can go home to deal with it right away, assuming that you can clear it with your boss, of course.
A baby monitor can also serve as a security camera. It can allow you to monitor your home while you are away. This is a good alternative to a full security system if you live in an apartment where you can't make installations or the cost is prohibitive. If you own a small business, you can use a monitor to keep track of the reception area while you are busy in the back, letting you know what is going on and alerting you to any trouble. This is especially helpful if you can't keep the reception area staffed at all times.
With its various uses and relatively affordable price, a baby monitor may be one of the best home electronics purchases you can make. Learn more about VAVA’s 720p video baby monitor today or reach out to our customer service team for more information.
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