When babies start to get fussy and their little cheeks flush red, many parents immediately suspect a fever as the culprit. The other age-old approach is to feel the forehead, though this isn’t an accurate way to assess a baby’s temperature. In babies, fevers can be triggered by teething, viruses or other infections, some of which can be serious concerns for the child. Having a reliable baby thermometer in your medicine cabinet will deliver an accurate reading of your baby’s temperature.
What is the best baby thermometer?
Even though fever is the body’s natural immune response against infections, fevers can be scary for parents and caregivers and cause the child to be miserable. For babies under three months old, any fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit should be evaluated by a doctor. Past three months old, fevers that are higher than 101.5 degrees should be checked with a physician. Being able to accurately measure the temperature is crucial for knowing when it’s time to ask for help and prevent a more serious health concern.
Types of Baby Thermometers
When shopping for the best thermometers to use with an infant, there are several types to choose from. Many parents will choose one based on which option is the most convenient for taking a child’s temperature, which means the child’s age can impact which one you select.
- Rectal thermometers- The AAP recommends taking a rectal temperature on children who are younger than three years old, as it gives the most accurate body temperature.
- Axillary thermometers- These are underarm thermometers that are held within a closed armpit, but require a toddler or child to cooperate until the reading is taken. These aren’t as accurate as a rectal thermometer, though they are easier to use.
- Oral thermometers- Children who are four or older may be able to remain still for the full minute a temperature reading under a tongue requires in order to be accurate for a core body temperature.
- Forehead or ear thermometers- These options provide a quick reading from holding the device against the forehead or ear. Non-contact infrared thermometers don’t require physically touching the forehead and are easy to use with small children.
- Smart thermometers- Using wireless, Bluetooth technology, small patches or reading devices are placed on the baby or child’s skin to continuously monitor temperature and deliver readings to connected devices.

Features of Baby Thermometers
Safety and accuracy are important elements to consider when purchasing thermometers. Decades ago, thermometers used mercury to read a temperature. These were quickly abandoned in favor of glass alcohol, glass gallium-tin and digital thermometers for safety reasons. For a device that will provide a safe but accurate reading, consider the need for the following features:
- Battery longevity
- Easy-to-read results
- Safe construction and durability
- Comfortable to use
- Rapid readings
- Easy to clean or decontaminate
- Versatility
What is the most accurate thermometer for babies?
An accurate reading is vital to knowing appropriate medical care or intervention, so narrowing down which thermometer is best for your baby is a big step. Taking into account the key features of a quality baby thermometer and the need to reliably take your child’s temperature with minimum discomfort will lead you to the VAVA Smart Baby Thermometer. This smart portable thermometer delivers real-time temperature monitoring for 24 hours and delivers accurate results to an easy-to-read, LED-backlit receiver. It is an FDA-approved patch placed in your baby’s armpit and was designed with absolute comfort and safety in mind.
How can you get peace of mind from a thermometer?
With results you know are reliable, you know best how to care for your child. No more waiting impatiently for results. Use the VAVA Smart Baby Thermometer to deliver fast, accurate temperature readings.
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